
A Situational Analysis of Internet Consumption among College Students in Silchar
The face of higher education sector has changed beyond recognition after the digital revolution. The soft-copy technology has been able to alter the pattern of many practices. The early digital adopters are in all probabilities to enjoy an edge over the digital laggards. In a developing society, the access to Internet is a contentious issue since it depends on economic capability. The study was undertaken to find out how the students in a remote corner of a developing country are posited with relation to information revolution sweeping across the country. The survey results were put to rigorous statistical tests to find out whether there is any palpable difference among the students in terms of access to the information resources. The study reveals that parental income affects heavily the possibilities of possessing information hardware and thereby a significant section of the students are likely to remain perpetually on the wrong side of information superhighway due to inequitable income distribution. Unless the systemic corrections are in place, the entire society marching into the dawn of information revolution is likely to remain a distant dream.
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