
An Obit too Soon? A Qualitative Examination into the ‘Death of the Newspaper’ Argument
Ever since digital technologies have started making their impact felt in human lives and the society at large, the ‘death of print media’ has been the buzz word in discussions on the future of mass media. While the doomsayers cite the alarming decline in newspaper circulation, especially in the advanced countries in the west, the rise and rise of social media news platforms and the plunging advertising revenues for print to write the obit for the Print, the optimist lot points towards the trials and tribulations the print media had been through and how it emerged the winner. Globally, print media grew 5 percent in 2016. About 2.7 billion people around the world read news in print. Newspapers arguably retain a fair share of their readers and may continue to do that in coming future. This paper attempts to examine the displacement effect of Internet on newspaper in Indian context.
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