
Cross-Cultural Communication Through Social Media
Culture is often determined by the written and unwritten rules and laws that govern interaction among people. People who belong to the same culture might be recognized by the traits they have. They could be related by location, race, ethnicity, or religion. Our speech and actions are influenced by culture. The increasing popularity of social media impacted cultures worldwide. It has been said that media content uploaded on platforms cause cultural invasion of traditional norms. Currently, we can see how the local culture is gradually fading away and being replaced by a cross-cultural phenomenon. This study unwraps the impact of cross-cultural communication on youth. Foreign influences are challenging and changing the core of Indian culture through social media platforms. This study investigates the positive and negative impacts of cross-cultural communication through social media. This study employs a quantitative approach since it deals with data and statistics collected from social media users using a survey method. The study used a random sample of 200 participants. Each population component has an equal chance of being included in the sample because each possible sample combination has the same chance of being chosen; there is no interdependence between the choices.
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