
Deceptive Subliminal Advertising: A Study on Ariel, Cadbury's, Kingfisher and Tata DoCoMo
The advertising industry, a prominent and powerful industry, engages in deceptive subliminal advertising of which most of us are unaware. By bypassing one's unconscious mind using subliminal techniques, advertisers tap into the vulnerabilities surrounding the unconscious mind, manipulating and controlling them in many ways. Through this study, titled “Deceptive Subliminal Strategies in Advertising: A study on the subliminal strategies in advertisements of Ariel, Cadbury's, Kingfisher, and Tata DoCoMo”, researchers explore the subliminal strategies of Dr. Wilson Bryan Key- Figure Ground Reversal, Embedding, Double entendre, Low intensity key light and low volume sound, Tachistoscopic displays and Audio masking in print and electronic media advertising of popular brands in India.
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