
Effect of Instructional Learning Strategies on Achievement in Mathematics of Standard VIII Students
The present study investigates the effect of Instructional Learning Strategies on Achievement and Retention in Mathematics of standard VIII students. For this purpose, Jigsaw II Model of Cooperative Learning and Existing Activity Oriented Method of Teaching were utilized and compared. Jigsaw II method is intended to maximize the learning of children in Mathematics. The present study has been conducted employing the Quasi Experimental Design. The Design used in the present study was the Pre-test Post test Non-equivalent Groups Design. The Study made use of two types of lesson transcripts, Achievement Test in Mathematics and other standardized tools. Statistical techniques used were Mean Difference Analysis and One-way Factorial ANCOVA. The study reveals that Achievement in Mathematics of Standard VIII students are depended on the Jigsaw II Model of Cooperative Learning Strategy than the Existing Activity Oriented Method of Teaching.
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