
ICT Infrastructure Development and Regional News Television: A Study of the Smart City Kochi (SCK) Project
Infrastructure development constitutes one of the key requisites of development. Developing economies which embrace the globalisation process have to build physical infrastructure to catalyse manufacturing, production and exports. Information and Communication Technology products and solutions also require infrastructure to grow and flourish. Many Indian states including Kerala have identified the potential of ICTs and efforts have been made to develop adequate infrastructure. The success of these efforts lies in factors such as good governance, appropriate legal framework, flow of private capital and a favourable public opinion. This study analysed the public perception about the issues and factors associated with the Smart City Kochi (SCK), an IT infrastructure project in Kerala and its television coverage. Triangulation method was employed in this study which included a survey revealing the gaps in TV coverage of SCK and found insignificant influence of it in building public perception.
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