
In the Wake of People: Facebook Activism by the Bangalore Traffic Police
Social media is evidently changing the landscape of communication to a great extent. It has initiated the participatory communication approach evolving the concept of digital democracy. The rapid communication persona of social media is promising new opportunities for the public sector. The public service sectors are embracing the social media to revitalize their operating mechanisms and connect to the people. From just being the advisor and sometimes dictator, the public service sectors are turning facilitators by articulating their approach and creating a sense of omnipresence to serve public. An exemplary for this would be the Facebook activism by the Bangalore Traffic Police (BTP), a forum for people’s voice and a platform to resolve people’s issues through immediate communication. It is an eye-opener to road safety measures, a podium for opinions and suggestion laterally addressing complaints. BTP’s initiative is encouraging citizen to be socially responsible and pledge for road safety. Bangalore Traffic Police Facebook approach is proving to be intriguing and phenomenal community driven change with certain deficiencies to be addressed.
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