
Media and Climate Change Communication: A Systematic Review Based on Issues, Coverage and Framing
Climate change has turned to become the most academically discussed and debated environmental topic in the mass media, especially since last decade. Hence, the depiction of climate change in the media has been a major domain of multi disciplinary research as well. This paper made a systematic review of ‘media and climate change communication’, in according to its widely discussed themes including; ‘Issue’, ‘Coverage’ and ‘Framing’. Media has been playing not only a pivotal role in portraying various aspects of climate change issues but also it enhances both public opinion and other climate change policy related matters. The study addressed here is that of how widely the mass media coverage addresses climate change. Media framing of climate change is another significant facet which study explored. This paper has reviewed 20 studies across 14 different nations using systematic search on electronic databases. The whole review reveled that in the process of climate change communication, media acts as most important intermediary between the common people and scientific community.
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