
Region and Religion as Predictors of Family Communication Quality
This quantitative study seeks to find out how two demographic variables – region and religion- influence Family Communication Quality (FCQ) in heterogeneous families in Kerala, a south Indian state. The study is set against the background of two critical theories in family communication –Family Communication Pattern Theory (FCPT) and System Theory (ST). While the former argues communication in a family relies on some patterns followed and characteristics possessed by family members, the later establishes that a family functions as a complex social system and this systemic formation of families influence their behavioral pattern including communication among members. Data was collected from 405 families from northern, central and southern Kerala using stratification process and earmarking 135 families to each region. The researchers collected data on two socio economic factors, area (rural or urban) and religion of family (Hindu, Muslim and Christian) that may influence families’ communication quality. The statistical analysis of the data suggests that there is a significant difference between rural and urban families in their Family Communication Quality (FCQ) while all major religious groups follow similar pattern in FCQ.
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