
Role of Psycho Social Services in Adolescent Communication
The social development of adolescents is best considered in the contexts in which it occurs; that is, relating to peers, family, school, work, and community and it involves specific health and developmental needs and rights. Thus the period warrants mechanism to develop knowledge and skills, learn to manage emotions and relationships, acquire attributes and develop abilities that will be important for enjoying life. The present study, conducted using a mixed methodology that involves survey research and focus group interview, seeks to identify the effectiveness of Psycho Social Services, a government of Kerala initiative in schools in the state. Primarily the project aims at counselling to students to ensure their mental health and wellbeing, personality development and emotional balance. How effective is PSS in interpersonal communication among adolescents, adolescent- parent communication adolescent- teacher communication and adolescents’ group communication is the fundamental questions tried to be answered in this study.
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