
Work-Life Balance of Women Media Professionals in Kerala
Globalized era is witnessing an inspiring and impressive presence of women in almost all domains of business and industry. Media industry is no exception to it. Data shows that during the last five years, women have struck out this most vibrant sector bravely, beating a path that definitely marks their empowerment and engagement in information and communication field. Now that be it in print or the television media, women acquire hitherto unattainable positions, becoming indispensable in the media field. With the massive explosion of newspapers, satellite television channels and FM radio stations the opportunities for women in media have been growing in India. But, this glaring trend is not felt in Kerala, a state which boasts of high literacy and empowerment indices. The wide gap in the male-female ratio in journalism profession, particularly in print media in Kerala, indicates that male dominance is still prevailing in Malayalam newspapers. Malayalee women who dared to enter the field still occupy lower positions and find it hard to survive in the field beyond a maximum of 10 years. What is the reason for this deplorable poor presence of women in journalism sector in the state? Do work-life conflicts prevent them from pursuing a career in journalism? Data collected from women journalists all over Kerala explore the factors that contribute to the appalling gender imbalances in Malayalam print media. The paper also investigates the predictors of women journalists’ satisfaction with and perception towards their work environment.
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